Discontinuity(Holiday) Testing
1. 요약 정리
- Coating Film 500μm 이하 : Low-voltage wet sponge testing (NACE RP0188)
- Coating Film 500μm 초과 : High-voltage spark testing (NACE RP0188)
- Test Voltage : ASTM G62 계산식 활용 (위 NACE Code 역시 활용 가능)
1) Coating Thickness ≤ 1.016 mm (40 mils)
2) Coating Thickness ≥ 1.041 mm (41 mils)
- 합격기준 : No holiday
- 불합격 시 : Backfilling 전 Repair 후 Re-examine
2. 관련 코드
- ASME B31.1 Power Piping
Appendix IV. Corrosion control for power piping systems
IV-2.2 Protective Coating
IV-2.2.3 (첫 번째 문장) 파이프 코팅은 Holiday detector를 활용하여 육안으로 검사되어야 한다.
- ASTM G62 Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coating
6. Apparatus
6.1 Low-Voltage Holiday Detector
6.2 High-Voltage Holiday Detector
- NACE SP0188 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coating
- NACE SP0274 High Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings
- NACE SP0490 Holiday Detection of Fusion Bonded Epoxy
3. 참조 사진
출처 : My Brain + 배관정복 + Google Search
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