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와인, 위스키, 맥주 등 술 종류간 차이점 (Alcoholic Beverage Classification)

by Captain Jack 2020. 1. 12.


술 종류의 이해



= 대분류 =

→ 발효 vs 증류

① 발효(Fermentation)

 포도당을 담은 그릇에 효모를 넣고 뚜껑을 닫으면 미생물인 효모가 효소를 이용해 유기물인 포도당을 분해한다. 이때 뚜껑이 덮여 있기 때문에 산소를 통한 호흡이 불가능하며 무산소호흡이 이루어진다. 효모는 포도당을 완전히 분해시키지 못하고 에탄올을 만든다. 이러한 발효를 알코올발효라고 하며 알코올발효를 이용하여 막걸리나 맥주와 같은 술을 만들 수 있다. (≒ 양조)

Example) 맥주

② 증류(Distillation)

 알코올과 물의 끓는점의 차이를 이용하여 고농도 알코올을 얻어내는 과정으로 양조주를 서서히 가열하면 끓는점이 낮은 알코올이 먼저 증발하는데, 이 증발하는 기체를 모아서 냉각시키면 다시 고농도의 알코올 액체를 얻어낼 수 있다. 위스키, 브랜디, 진과 같은 술을 만들 수 있다.

Example) 브랜디

= 중분류 =

→ 주재료(Main Ingredients)



평균 도수(%)






14 ~ 18




12 ~ 16


전 세계



4 ~ 15

보리, 밀

전 세계




40 ~ 60





40 ~ 60





40 ~ 60

보리, 밀, 옥수수




35 ~ 40




◎ 전 세계 술지도

◎ 주요 술 재료 및 공정


★ ----- [ENG]

§ Beer

: Main ingredient is malt (Barley, wheat etc). Beer making process is known as brewing and the most common process involves fermentation of malted Barley.

§ Wine

: Main ingredients are fruits (majorly grapes). The making process involves the fermentation in fruit juices (Crushed grapes)

§ Liquor

: an alcoholic drink that is distilled from grains or plants, such as rum, vodka, gin or whiskey.

§ Brandy

: Brandy is basically made by distillation of wine.

§ Whiskey

: Is basically a distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash (Wheat, Barley etc) and matured in oak casks for a certain period of time.

§ Rum

: Is basically a distilled alcoholic beverage made from Molasses (Sugarcane juice)

§ Vodka

: Is basically a distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash (Wheat, Barley etc and potato also)

§ Bourbon

: It is a type of American whiskey in which the raw material should contain atleast 51% corn.

§ Stout

: It is a type of beer made by top and warm fermentation of a heavily roasted malt.

§ Scotch

: Is a a type of whiskey made and matured in Scotland in Oak casks for atleast 3 years.

§ Feni

: Is made in Goa and it is basically a distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented Cashew or Toddy palm.

§ Champagne

: It is a type of sparkling wine which comes from the Champagne district of France it involves secondary fermentation of wine to create Carbonation.

§ Tequila

: Comes from Mexico and it is basically a distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented Agave fruit (similar to Pineapple).

§ Gin

: It is basically a distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash with Juniper berries.


♣ 온갖 술 A to Z

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