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30대 직장인 금연 고찰 및 금연 후 신체변화

by Captain Jack 2019. 11. 8.





답답한 일상 속

내 기분을 알아주던 너를...

담배를... 끊으려 한다.



사실 이미 시작해서

3일째 이다.





어젯밤 꿈에는 내가 막

무언가를 갈구하며 미라처럼

바짝 말라 있더라.



힘들다..... 후우





'인디고 - 여름아 부탁해'

한 구절



그대를 가질 수 있다면

담배라도 끊겠어요~♬


정말 대단한 사랑이 아닐 수 없다.

아! 정말 참 사랑이야.





끊어야 한다.

끊어야 한다.

끊어야 한다.



세상이 변했다.



남한테 피해를 안주더라도

그냥 핀다는 것 자체가 죄인 시대다.





금연 의지를 굳건히 위해

금연 후 신체변화에 대해 찾아보는데,


외신 자료에 비해

우리 나라가 확실히 약 하더라.


도와주는 연예인 사례가 더 많더라.



[설경구] 금연 후로 머리숱 BAAAMMM

[심형탁] 흡연욕수 해소 노하우! 쓰흐흐흡-





금연 후 신체변화

(What happens after quit smoking?)








금연 후 20분

맥박, 혈압, 손/발의 온도 정상화

24시간 이내

혈액속 산소량 정상화

혈액속 일산화탄소함량 감소

48시간 이내

냄새, 맛 등 감각 향상

신경계통이 니코틴이 없는 환경에 적응

72시간 이내

기관지 이완으로 호흡이 자연스러워지고 폐활량이 증가

2주~3달 이내

순환계 및 폐의 기능이 원활해져 운동능력 향상

1~9달 이내

피로, 기침, 축농증 등 감소 혹은 사라짐

1년 이내

심장질환으로 인한 사망확률 50% 감소

5년 이내

심장질환으로 인한 사망확률 비흡연자 수준으로 감소

폐암으로 인한 사망확률 50% 감소

10년 이내

폐암으로 인한 사망확률 비흡연자 수준으로 감소

암을 유발할 수 있는 세포가 새로운 세포로 대치

구강암, 식도암, 방광암, 신장암, 췌장암 들 발생확률 감소

※ 각 흡엽자의 평상시 흡연 양 및 습관에 따라 신체변화 속도 다름.







The benefits are almost instant. As soon as a person stops smoking their body begins to recover in the following ways:


After 1 hour

In as little as 20 minutes after the last cigarette is smoked, the heart rate drops and returns to normal. Blood pressure begins to drop, and circulation may start to improve.


After 12 hours

Cigarettes contain a lot of known toxins including carbon monoxide, a gas present in cigarette smoke. This gas can be harmful or fatal in high doses and prevents oxygen from entering the lungs and blood. When inhaled in large doses in a short time, suffocation can occur from lack of oxygen.

After just 12 hours without a cigarette, the body cleanses itself of the excess carbon monoxide from the cigarettes. The carbon monoxide level returns to normal, increasing the body's oxygen levels.


After 1 day

Just 1 day after quitting smoking, the risk of heart attack begins to decrease. Smoking raises the risk of developing coronary heart disease by lowering good cholesterol, which makes heart-healthy exercise harder to do. Smoking also raises blood pressure and increases blood clots, increasing the risk of stroke. In as little as 1 day after quitting smoking, a person's blood pressure begins to drop, decreasing the risk of heart disease from smoking-induced high blood pressure. In this short time, a person's oxygen levels will have risen, making physical activity and exercise easier to do, promoting heart-healthy habits.


After 2 days

Smoking damages the nerve endings responsible for the senses of smell and taste. In as little as 2 days after quitting, a person may notice a heightened sense of smell and more vivid tastes as these nerves heal.


After 3 days

3 days after quitting smoking, the nicotine levels in a person's body are depleted. While it is healthier to have no nicotine in the body, this initial depletion can cause nicotine withdrawal. Around 3 days after quitting, most people will experience moodiness and irritability, severe headaches, and cravings as the body readjusts.


After 1 month

In as little as 1 month, a person's lung function begins to improve. As the lungs heal and lung capacity improves, former smokers may notice less coughing and shortness of breath. Athletic endurance increases and former smokers may notice a renewed ability for cardiovascular activities, such as running and jumping.


After 1-3 months

For the next several months after quitting, circulation continues to improve.


After 9 months

Nine months after quitting, the lungs have significantly healed themselves. The delicate, hair-like structures inside the lungs known as cilia have recovered from the toll cigarette smoke took on them. These structures help push mucus out of the lungs and help fight infections.

Around this time, many former smokers notice a decrease in the frequency of lung infections because the healed cilia can do their job more easily.


After 1 year

One year after quitting smoking, a person's risk for coronary heart disease decreases by half. This risk will continue to drop past the 1-year mark.


After 5 years

Cigarettes contain many known toxins that cause the arteries and blood vessels to narrow. These same toxins also increase the likelihood of developing blood clots. After 5 years without smoking, the body has healed itself enough for the arteries and blood vessels to begin to widen again. This widening means the blood is less likely to clot, lowering the risk of stroke. The risk of stroke will continue to reduce over the next 10 years as the body heals more and more.


After 10 years

After 10 years, a person's chances of developing lung cancer and dying from it are roughly cut in half compared with someone who continues to smoke. The likelihood of developing mouth, throat, or pancreatic cancer has significantly reduced.


After 15 years

After 15 years of having quit smoking, the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease is the equivalent of a non-smoker. Similarly, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer has reduced to the same level as a non-smoker.


After 20 years

After 20 years, the risk of death from smoking-related causes, including both lung disease and cancer, drops to the level of a person who has never smoked in their life. Also, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer has reduced to that of someone who has never smoked.


